

Hi! Welcome to my blog. I’m Chelsea, the fingers behind this page. Wonder what you will find here? Well, I’m simply a girl writing about the journey of infertility, the messiness of life and how God can take ANYTHING and turn it into something beautiful. I’ve been married to this wonderful guy Josh for over 12 years and seriously, he is the one who can make me laugh at any time, treats me like a queen and holds my hand as we walk through this life. I can’t imagine life without him in it.

(wedding - 2005)

(wedding – 2005)

Our prayers were recently answered after a 10 year wait, and we welcomed Kirsten and Logan into our family in May 2017. Our world will joyously never be the same. We also spoil and love on our furbaby Cali. She’s just about the cutest thing you’ll ever see. Don’t worry, you will see more of the twins and Cali throughout this blog.

Hi, I'm Cali!

Hi, I’m Cali!

So what else do you need to know about me? Well, I love Starbucks, snail mail, books and laughing. I have too many pens, yet find myself buying more. I am a glass half-full person. My Strengthfinder profile includes Positivity, Empathy, Individualization, Input and Developer. My career has always been in HR, however I now take on writing contracts and help out the infertility community by working at FertiltiyIQ part-time.  I enjoy taking pictures, trying new recipes and being with friends and family.  My blog is simply about my world- I try to be authentic, genuine and open about what I am learning. The great thing about life is that it is filled with raw, real moments – moments of joy and happiness, as well as heartache, struggles and tears. It’s a combination of the mountains and the valleys that form us into who we are meant to be. I’m striving to find joy in the prayer that HIS will be done.

Are you still reading? Then jump in with us as we share our life, the highs and lows. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and curl up as you follow along. There is much more ahead of us. We HOPE in a God who promises to be with us always, hear our prayers and provide us with strength for today. Thanks for reading!


23 thoughts on “About

  1. Lisa Thornton says:

    Hi Chelsea,
    My name is Lisa. A dear friend of mine forwarded me your blog as I am going through a similar experience. It’s really strange, but our lives are very parallel. I am also an HR Director, I was listening to Jason Mraz while I was reading your quote from him, I have violent mood swings because of medication, and I have a list of things that my family/friends are not allowed to say to me :). Just wanted you to know that I enjoyed reading your words and felt compelled to respond.

    I wish you the best of luck on this rollercoaster ride!

    • chels819 says:

      Lisa, what a blessing your message was to me today! I couldn’t help but smile at our similarities, but also reflect at what a wonderful match it was for the two of us to be connected via this blog! My prayers will be with you as well and I wish you the best of luck! Thanks for reading :)

  2. Amanda says:

    Hi Chelsea,

    It’s nice to “meet” you. I am sorry to hear about the many struggles you and your husband have experienced in your journey to become parents, but I am encouraged by your positive attitude and faith in the Lord. My son Maddox was stillborn when I was 39 weeks pregnant in December 2011. Losing your child(ren) is a traumatic experience, one that no parent should have to go through, but it is incredible to see God’s sovereignty as He walks with you through the valley. I will be following your blog, and I look forward to seeing the great plans He has in store for you!


    • chels819 says:

      Amanda, it’s nice to “meet” you as well! I am so incredibly sorry to hear about the loss of your son Maddox. What a beautiful name for a little boy. I cannot imagine the sense of loss you must feel and am truly, just so incredibly sorry for what happened. Praise God that He walks with us through the toughest times in our lives. Without the valleys we wouldn’t have hills. I just hate what the hills often look like. Thank you for following our story and for reaching out. My heart and prayers go out to you! Hugs!

  3. Lisa {Amateur Nester} says:

    I just found your blog via Love, Marriage, and Still No Baby Carriage. I love that you posted what your StrengthsFinder themes are! Mine are Deliberative, Harmony, Intellection, Input, and Discipline. It’s so nice to “meet” another IVFer and I’m looking forward to following your story from now on.

    • chels819 says:

      I love a Strengthfinders gal! :) Yay! Thanks for sharing yours as well – I think we would get along great. I look forward to having you along for the ride! XOX!

  4. Ashley Hudson says:

    I started reading your blog at 9pm this evening and needless to say its 11:55pm and I can’t stop reading and reflecting on your journey that at times seems heartbreaking but also encouraging. I myself have infertility issues and I have yet to find a blog that relates to what I am feeling entirely until I stumbled upon yours. I do have to work in the morning so I am putting a stop to the crying and laughing that you have genuinely made me do, but I am looking forward to tomorrow night when I can continue to feel like you know exactly what I am going through. Thank you for having the strength and courage to share your story with raw honesty and you should know that your blog, that I don’t think I stumbled upon just by coincidence, has pulled me out of “my funk” for the night.

    • chels819 says:

      Ashley this comment made me smile so big! Thanks for spending so much time reading my words and investing in our story! I am so sorry that you have infertility issues – they suck! – but am grateful when paths like this cross and we can find new friends to lean on and encourage one another. I do hope that your morning wasn’t too rough or sleepy! Thank you again for your encouraging words and for your compliments on my writing. I find it therapeutic to get whats going on in my heart out in the open and am blessed when people choose to read it! Sending you a big hug – feel free to email me (trialsbringjoy@gmail.com) if you ever want to talk or share more of your story. XOXO!

  5. weare1in6 says:

    Although it’s not an easy story, it’s been lovely to stumble on your story & discover there are many of us in this together x Wishing you luck

  6. lindseym1013 says:

    Hi Chelsea, I have really loved reading your blog! I have a question for you: One thing I have really had a hard time doing is find other women in my area that are similar to me. My church doesn’t have a group for women that struggle with infertility and I find it hard to fit with other women that have kids. Have you been able to establish a group like this other than online? And if so, how did you do it? Thanks!

    • chels819 says:

      GREAT question! I have found a lot of local gals who have been struggling simply through social media and networking. That being said, Resolve has some awesome local community groups that meet and it’s a great way to connect. Another idea .. I know that many churches don’t offer a specific infertility group BUT once someone starts it, the domino effect is SO positive. It can be as simple as starting a small group and opening it up! I know quite a few gals who have done that (and even quite a few who are using the In the Wait small group curriculum as an easy start!) I would be happy to share more and make some suggestions if you want! Just send me an email to trialsbringjoy (At) gmail (dot) com!!! Hugs!

  7. Kathleen says:

    I have had fertility issues for many years. I was 17 when I had my first child. When she was 4 we tried to have another and was not getting pregnant. We tried fertility drugs nothing worked. I was having a lot of pain and strange periods so a friend finally suggested to see her doctor so when he walked in I told him take everything out I can’t take the pain any longer. He knew what was wrong and I had surgery and a year later my second daughter was born. He found that I had endometriosis. He told me that I could get it back and that if we want anymore kids to hurry up with it. We made the mistake and waited and it came back had surgery again but this time we tried and nothing happened and now I am 40 and started having the same issue and now my only choice is to have a hysterectomy. Won’t be able to have anymore kids. Still upset but lucky to have my two beautiful girls.

    • chels819 says:

      Kathleen, thank you for sharing your story! I am so sorry you have gone through so much to get where you are today. I am thankful you have two beautiful girls but I know the longing for more doesn’t go away when you still desire more. Sending hugs!

  8. Clarissa tapia says:

    Hi My name is Clarissa I’m going through the similar situation as you with PCOS trying to conceive a baby it has it ups and down and it’s hard .. No one understands how difficult It is trying to have to a baby . I would like to know what did you do to conceive ???

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