guest post: fighting the lies we believe about infertility.


How many of us have gotten trapped believing a lie about our fertility before? You know, when we start filling our minds with reasons “why” God hasn’t answered our prayers yet. (I say “why” because so often, they are just big fat lies!) Well, my friend Meredith invited me and some of my amazing blogger friends to debunk some of these lies we all face with the Truth – HIS truth! I invite you to hop on over to her blog here to read:

Fighting the Lies We Believe About Infertility: 8 Bloggers Share How

I really believe that Satan does his best work when He can get us to believe false things about God and His character and I pray as you read through this post today, that you see his sneaky ways and are set free from the lies that so easy entangle us.

Which ones of these eight lies do you struggle with most regularly? Were you encouraged today? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Pop on over and check it out!