but if not, He is still good.

Here’s a short and sweet update on my doctor’s appointment this morning …. sooooo these lovely follicles of mine decided to be over achievers and we have a few too many of them measuring within range. In order for the doctor to proceed with our IUI on Monday, we would need to sign off on some paperwork stating that we would be okay with a fetal reduction if there were multiples. This is not something that Josh and I are comfortable with for ethical reasons and while the chances of triplets+ are very low, the doctor cannot proceed with our cycle since we won’t agree to that. (This is a standard process at clinics when females “over stimulate” due to cases like Octomom and others. Pregnancies with multiples is proven to be much higher risk for the mother and babies which is why fetal reduction is encouraged by clinics.)

So, with that said, this cycle has been cancelled and the clinic respected our decision. We feel a lot of peace about this, knowing that while the chances are low, it’s not something that we would ever agree to if the situation came up. (Breaks my heart just thinking about that!)

Please don’t feel bad for us in anyway – at the end of the day, we are just out the money from the cycle thus far and can try again when my next cycle starts. God was so faithful in preparing me with so many extra prayers going into today. I just think about the fact that if I didn’t have such a crappy day yesterday, then I wouldn’t have cried out (literally) for extra prayers, in which case I probably would have been much more discouraged by the news today. But there is SO MUCH PEACE in knowing that we are acting in the way we feel He has called us to act. God is good! Ah, SO GOOD!

Thanks for checking in on our appointment and let’s store up some prayers for the next one …. XO!

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PS – There is no judgement regarding anyone and the decision they would have made. That’s not our place and we simply have to act in the way that we feel called to by God. 

Did you miss Friday Favorites for today? Click here to read them or check out the immediate next post. Enjoy!

23 thoughts on “but if not, He is still good.

  1. jaimee granberry says:

    That is such a bummer. Our last cycle, we had 4 mature follicles and our doctor had us discuss HOM and reduction, but they do not make you sign anything for selective reduction. I think it has to do with his own religious beliefs as well. Lots of prayers for the next round!

    • chels819 says:

      I know! I wish there was another option but the doctors office seemed pretty non-negotiable. I am thankful you were given that option! I appreciate your prayers!

  2. Elisha says:

    I am so sorry girl! But you rock with your awesome attitude! This happened to me once with a treatment cycle. It was so early on in my infertility journey that I don’t remember much from it. I do remember getting mild OHSS and having to go on bedrest for a couple of days. I’m praying for you as always! Much love! xo

    • chels819 says:

      I think this over stim is much different than an IVF over stim – I probably won’t notice much other than a little tenderness. Overstimming can be so uncomfortable though! I appreciate your prayers (back at ya!) and your chocolate. :) You’re wonderful! XO!

  3. mrsbrooks09 says:

    I am so proud of you for sticking to your convictions and making a good choice for your family. It’s still a bummer that things didn’t go as you hoped. I’m confident that He will keep providing whatever’s needed when it’s needed. Hugs! XO

  4. Tales of a Twin Mombie says:

    There’s so much that goes into the process of fertility and what things you have to think about and decisions you have to make that you never thought you would have to make. God will honor you guys and how you put Him first. Peace is everything and the fact that you felt peace about all of this is beautiful. Thinking of you always girl. <3

  5. Jojo says:

    Bummer ur cycle got canceled. Although I’m glad u are at peace with the decision you both took. I myself wouldn’t of been to agree to a reduction either. Praying for ur next cycle.

  6. Joanna Clarke says:

    I’m so proud of you for doing what you believed in. Closing a door and saying “no” takes so much maturity and selflessness.

    I’m happy your follicles responded well otherwise. Rest up and I will be ready to cheer you on for another go! Best wishes!

  7. Holly says:

    Yucky. When I got pregnant with the triplets all I heard was “reduction reduction reduction.” I could not do it or think about it. I ended up losing all 3 at different points. Perhaps a reduction would have saved the others-but at the end of the day for us we felt like since God had given them life, only He could take that away. That’s crazy your clinic MAKES you sign to that but I’m glad you have peace in the decision! <3

  8. melissavenable says:

    I don’t think I could have signed it either. :( I’m sorry it was canceled but thankful you have so much peace about it!! Prayers the next time goes perfectly!

  9. inspiredcounselling says:

    We have been through these cycles. It is a rollercoater of emotions, Faith, hope…
    I am glad you have peace and remember God is in control not doctors. The doctors are being used by God. Following you on here for more. I pray it goes well for you both. Stephen.

  10. vivagood says:

    I didn’t even know that that could happen! But perhaps this is just a good month to give it a go the natural way! I did have a friend get pregnant the cycle after an IUI. The dr suggested that maybe it was because of all the hormones in her body. Either way, God is in control! I am so thankful that above all we can trust God to be faithful.

  11. Kristi says:

    I just recently discovered your blog and I love it! My husband and I are also dealing with infertility, and I just starting blogging about it for a few reasons. Good for you for standing up for what you believe in! Thanks for all the encouraging posts. I will definitely be following your story and praying for you guys!! God bless.

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