guest post: tell your story.

One thing I believe in deeply is the value of telling your story. God gave each of us a unique set of chapters unlike anyone else’s. My dear friend Caroline over at In Due Time echoes my thoughts on story-sharing and invited me to guest blog today about this topic. I would love for you to hop on over to her page to read it! (And while you’re there, stay to read some of her amazing posts. She’s such a source of godly encouragement!)

What will the world miss if you don’t tell your story?

This question stirs around often in my mind. The truth is, God has given all of us reading this today a story. You have a story! The ups and downs you’ve faced are all part of your life, your story. The fact that you are breathing means you have the chance to impact someone around you with your life. That’s big-deal kind of stuff! Everything you have gone through….click here to continue reading

“My life is a story about who God is and what He does in a human heart.” 

― Shauna Niequist

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Word of the year: Thrive

To progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances; to flourish

Friends, if you have journeyed with me through 2015, you know that it was a tougher year. I felt restless, sat in the clouds, contemplated what was next, dealt with failed IUI cycles, and another miscarriage. (Don’t get me wrong, there were some really great parts of 2015 too – I love the many special memories that were created last year. Those joys brought a lot of healing to my struggling heart.)

My word last year was ‘intentional‘ and I had no idea that the year would be spent intentionally trying to be okay with being out of control and uncertain for the future. This word popped up throughout the year in powerful ways for me and I felt like despite the hard, I made a lot of growth in this area. I thought through things more, my actions, my schedule. I was more planful instead of simply being reactive and responsive. God knew what He was doing when He put that word on my heart.

Now this year, I’m focusing on thriving. I ran across these verses from Jeremiah a few weeks ago and knew this was it, my verse for the year, my word for the year:

“Thanksgivings will pour out of the windows; laughter will spill through the doors. Things will get better and better. Depression days are over. They’ll thrive, they’ll flourish … And that’s it: You’ll be my very own people, I’ll be your very own God.’” (Jeremiah 30:19, 22 MSG)

After reading this, I felt like God was nudging me towards a year of progressing forward. I want to flourish. I want laughter to spill through the doors, regardless of the circumstances. I want gratitude to pour from the windows. I don’t want to be in a funk. I want to live in the reality that no matter what I am His and He is my very own God. My very own God.

I had this saved from a few years back and love it even more than I did then, if that’s possible:

“You were meant to do more than just survive. You were meant to thrive. You were not meant to struggle to make it through the week.  You were not meant to be shackled by anxiety, worry, and fear. No, you were meant for so much more. You were meant to live life and to have it more abundantly. That is the promise of the eternal God. You were meant to dig deep and reach out. You were meant to know God and make Him known. Surviving is for those who have no hope. That’s not you – not if you’re God’s child, you were meant to thrive.

It’s a simple concept.  To thrive, we must:

Dig deep into the roots of our relationship with Jesus. This helps us understand who God is and who we are in him. We dig in to know God.

Reach out to others. This helps us to show the world that we belong to Jesus and that Jesus is God. We reach out to make God known.” (source: Casting Crowns)

So here’s to thriving in 2016. Here’s to digging in deep and reaching out wide. Here’s to being bold in sharing Him, to living with purpose, to embracing everything that comes my way and to not just spend the year surviving. I want dirt. I want grit. I want passion. I want Him.


Your turn! What’s your word of the year? Do you have something you are working on or something you are focusing on for 2016? I would love to hear it! Or do you maybe need some ideas? One Word 365 has some great ideas to inspire you! It’s definitely not too late to pick one and run with it! In fact, make February 1st your starting date! Think about it, pray about it, embrace it. Then get up and start!


lessons learned from 2015.


Find the right color lip gloss and use it.

Don’t be afraid to cry and tell a friend when you need a listening ear.

Carry a notebook around at all times. You never know when inspiration will come.

It’s okay to lose your mind after a miscarriage. It takes time but it will get easier, I promise.

Travel with your spouse as much as you can. Precious golden memories are created here.

Don’t be afraid to say no when you just don’t want to do something. Only say “yes” when you are certain it’s the best “yes” God has for you.

Be still more often so He can speak. Silence is painfully beautiful.

Being 30 is wonderful. Embrace new decades because not everyone gets that chance.

Don’t be afraid to take a picture of a precious moment. You’ll be thankful you did.

Always say yes to trips to Hawaii with your best friends.

Fresh air + books + music + time can heal the most shattered soul.

Don’t be afraid to have boundaries up when boundaries are needed.

If you really love the shirt, buy it in every color before it disappears forever.

Write even when it’s hard. Get it out of your head even if it never makes it off your computer screen or notebook pages.

Being brave doesn’t mean staying strong all the time, but instead, acknowledging how fragile you are.

Get your eyebrows shaped by a professional. Worth. Every. Penny.

Harry Potter World is magical. Frozen butterbeer is delicious.

If someone continues to take you for granted, walk away gracefully.

Time spent helping others is important. If you are feeling burned out, find a new place to serve. Volunteer at church, lead a small group, offer your time. Giving is a blessing.

Don’t be afraid to hug someone you usually don’t hug.

Make new traditions with people you love, doing things you love.

Tell people when you are thinking about them. Send a note, text, or email.

Don’t binge watch an intense show. It will destroy your sleep patterns and mind.

Stay up late laughing with the people who restore your heart.

It’s okay to feel restless. Use it as an opportunity to allow God to settle you.

Parasail. Over the ocean if possible. It will all make sense in the clouds.

Write your story down if God leads you to write your story down. Don’t rely on feedback to know you’re obeying Him.

If someone tells you they don’t have time to be a good friend, don’t keep pushing them. It will only frustrate you in the end.

The right planner will make life significantly more organized.

The dollar spot at Target is a dangerous place.

It’s okay to acknowledge your grief and ask others to do that same. Pretending it’s not there isn’t healthy or helpful for anyone.

New York City is one of the best cities on earth. The steak frites at Sarabeth’s and the steak tartar at Saju Bistro will make your taste buds rejoice.

Listen to instrumental music. The landscapes painted by orchestras are calming.

It’s a blessing to celebrate 10 years of marriage with someone who makes you laugh. Don’t take this for granted.

The house project you have been dreading won’t take as long as you think it will. It will feel wonderful once it’s done.

Let go of the small slights faster. Holding on to them will only make you bitter and frustrated.

Self care is important. Stay an extra hour at the coffee shop.

It’s okay to ask questions and wrestle with God for answers. There’s healing in the search.

Writing a devotional is really hard and really rewarding. Trust Him.

The people in your life who give your dog gifts are good, good people. They get you.

Have coffee mugs that make you smile while you sip every morning.

Trust God more.

2015. A year with high highs and low lows. In the end, a powerful reminder not to be afraid of the unknowns, the future, the restlessness. Each year that passes is never what I expect, but when I close them out, I realize they hold everything that life is made out. The good, the bad, the tears, the laughs, the memories. Let’s savor each day, considering them a blessing, a gift, a building block.

Here’s to the God-given lessons to be learned in 2016.

Looking for a great tool to use while you reflect on 2015? You have to check out this fabulous resource my friend Ashley at Graced & Co designed. It’s a MUST when it comes to sitting with God and processing your 2015. Ashley, thanks so much  for letting me share this with my readers! (PS – Her products are really really really beautiful too.) 

Click Here to Download the 2015 reflection worksheet

devotional + small group opportunity.

2016 really is here, isn’t it!? With it comes so many great resolutions, and for me, like many, it’s about nailing down a consistent devotional time each day and diving into His word more. Do you need a little accountability like I do? Or are you searching for a devotional to kick off the year with? I’d love to invite you to join our online In the Wait Small Group kicking off on January 17th! We just wrapped up our first online session in December with over 170 ladies and it was so powerful and encouraging – I know this next session won’t disappoint! This study is more than just a book – it’s an interactive devotional that gives you a chance to apply His Word to YOUR own season of waiting, whatever that may be, and process through how to apply what you are learning to your life.

So, what do you need to know if you are interested?

  1. All you need is a copy of In the Wait + a pen + access to a Bible (hello YouVersion app!). You will be emailed the week of launch with all the joining details. The group itself is “secret” through Facebook.
  2. If you don’t already own a copy, you can purchase one here: (You still have time to order and get it before the group starts! Copies are going fast so grab yours today!)
  3. Already have your book and want to make sure you are on the invite email list? CLICK HERE to add your name to the email invite list.
  4. Want to invite a friend to join you in the study? CLICK HERE to send a personalized invitation to a friend!

I have loved being a part of this study. It has really transformed my heart and spiritual life, specifically as to how to live in a season of waiting with purpose. I would LOVE to have you join us if you are interested! I adore seeing what God has been teaching every woman who has gone through the study with us already online or on their own. Thanks for posting your pictures and sharing what God is teaching you! Here are some of my favorite picture’s you’ve shared on Instagram so far:




Note: after this January session, there likely won’t be another online group till fall so don’t miss out if you are interested! Questions? Fire away below and I will get right back to you!

With that said, friends, 2016 really is here. I am working away on nailing down my Word of the Year, wrapping up what I took away from 2015, and sharing more about what’s swimming around in this brain of mine. I am excited to reestablish the rhythm and routine that January holds and get back into a good blogging pattern. So stay tuned for all the fun to come this month. :) Have a great day!